rethinking of creditworthiness

of a person’s financial behaviour and potential. In contrast, fintech solutions utilise a range of data—from payment histories to social media activity—offering a more nuanced understanding of an individual’s creditworthiness This shift has profound implications for economic empowerment. By recognising the value of digital footprints, finte

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and the long-term implications

Technological advancements, particularly in AI and machine learning, will refine these alternative credit models even further, offering increasingly accurate risk assessments while streamlining the lending process. Finally, as fintech matures, a growing emphasis on financial literacy will become central to ensuring that the newly financially includ

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IAEA safeguards agreement

Saudi Arabia’s IAEA safeguards agreement requires the government to declare such a facility to the agency. Other press reports discussed another possible undeclared site Threats to the security of critical Saudi infrastructure may raise concerns about the security of Saudi nuclear facilities. The U.S. government notes security threats in Saudi Ar

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